Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! Justin and I are amazing by the amount of kids running around our neighborhood. Spiderman, princesses, witches, fairies, ghosts, ninjas, every costume possible. This past weekend Tim, Katie and the kids stayed with us. We had a lot of fun but the best part was dressing Gabriel and Maria up for our church's Trunk or Treat. Sunday morning we went to worship, lunch potluck, and came home to get the kids dressed. Then we had evening services, chili and hotdogs, and Trunk or Treat. J and I dressed my car up. We bought a hay bale, pumpkins, gourds, cobb webs, big fake spiders, and an insane amount of candy. There were probably thirty cars in a circle in our parking lot with their trunks all decorated. It was so neat! We loved it. Gabriel was Buzz Lightyear and Maria was Lady from Lady and the Trump!! I've never seen cuter kids! I got some great pictures. Everyone at work today wore orange and black, very festive. J and I are debating putting up our Christmas tree Thursday, November 1.....I know it's a bit early. We love Christmas so much and why not celebrate it for 2 months!? Hmm....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I say, go ahead and put up your christmas tree! Thanksgiving is the pre-dinner to the actually Christmas dinner. I'm glad you update your blog frequently, it makes me get back into the habbit of doing so too!